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Sensor Module

TOP Service and product information | Hct monitor

Hematocrit sensor "Hct monitor"

Non-contact, real-time measurement of blood flowing through circuits


  • ・Measures hemoglobin concentration [g/dL], hematocrit [%], BV [%], and blood temperature [℃] of blood flowing through circuits
  • ・Measures blood temperature using a non-contact radiation thermometer
  • ・Serial communication interface
  • ・Attachment mechanism for holding and measuring circuits
  • ・Data acquired from human blood circuits circulation test
    ※Please contact us separately to add oxygen saturation measurement function.
Representative properties
Human blood is circulated through circuits at a flow rate of 200 mL/min, and the hemoglobin concentration is measured.
4 human blood samples Hb measurement Plasma dilution
4 human blood samples Hb measurement, diluted with saline