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TOP Service and product information | Compact Spectrophotometer

Compact Spectrophotometer


  • ・Portable ingredient analyzer
  • ・Customizable to your desired wavelength
    (liquid inspection, water quality inspection, etc.)


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Item Contents Remarks
Light source
  • Blue:470nm
  • Green:525nm
  • Red:610nm
  • Near-red:855nm
We can customize the wavelength to your needs(liquid testing, water quality testing, etc.).
Detector Si-PD
Absorption Cell
  • General-purpose square cell,
  • optical path length 5mm and optical path length 10mm
  • Quartz square cell
  • General-purpose disposable cell
Measurement range ±4 ABS As the absorbance difference between purified water and sample
Measurement resolution 0.001ABS(1mABS)
Measurement accuracy
  • Less than 0.5 ABS - 3mABS or less
  • 0.5-2.0 ABS - 1% or less
  • 2.0-4.0 ABS - 2% or less
Measurement time 40 seconds or less When measuring 4 wavelengths
Liquid crystal Character LCD(20 digits x 4 lines) With backlight
Communication features USB serial communication Command control possible via dedicated PC app
F/W Update Using a dedicated tool with a PC PC:Windows10 / USB2.0 over
Data storage capacity Up to 500 Absorbance(4 wavelengths, single wavelength), turbidity results total
Size 198L×138W×45.8H or less Excluding protrusions
Weight Under 2kg
Power supply 4 AA batteries / Operating voltage 4.8V to 6.4V