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Sensor Module

TOP Product | Genial Light Near-Infrared Biometric Module Sensor(AGVS)

Genial Light Near-infrared Spectroscopic Biological Module Sensor(AGVS)

Business partnership with Alps Alpine Co., Ltd.

Measures biological information and delta hemoglobin level by utilizing differences in absorbance

This module product was developed by fusing the high-precision component processing technology, high-density component mounting technology, and production technology that Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. has cultivated over many years with Genial Light's medical and healthcare device development technology based on advanced optical measurement technology, and by verifying the possibility of building and developing ultra-small, high-precision biosensors.

Genial Light provides optical technology, module design, and measurement algorithm construction, which is our know-how, while Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. provides production technology. In the future, we will strengthen the business partnership between the two companies and work toward concrete commercialization.

In addition, in the future, we aim to commercialize a modular product as a small biosensor that instantly measures pulse rate, oxygen level, etc. so that we can meet various user needs.
We will continue to customize our products to meet the various needs of many companies and develop products that meet the needs of society.

Biological Module Sensor(AGVS)


  1. Near-infrared wavelength that penetrates the human body, safe and not easily affected by moisture in the body
  2. Non-invasive, obtains in-vivo information by simply touching the skin(pulse, relative change in ⊿Hb, etc. in 5 seconds)
  3. Wireless, wearable(developed product: 2.2g for optical sensor only)
  4. Applications to humans, animals, and equipment.

Alps Alpine Genial Light Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Bio-Module Sensor

Alps Alpine Genial Light Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Bio-Module Sensor